Thought of the day | The Wondrous Wings of the Porsche Panamera

When the second generation of the Porsche Panamera broke cover in 2016, the world breathed a collective sigh of relief. Porsche had created a car that was tolerable, handsome even, from some angles, and a marked improvement over the awkward proportions of the ‘970’ first-generation car. Now, whilst the 971 Panamera was easier on theContinue reading “Thought of the day | The Wondrous Wings of the Porsche Panamera”

Thought of the Day | The Rear Windscreen Wipers of the Mini Clubman

A recent journey on the motorway the other day brought one of the cutest little automotive features to my attention: the rear windscreen wipers (!) on the Mini Clubman. The Mini Clubman is a kind of car that no one really pays attention to. They trundle around the world not really causing a scene, notContinue reading “Thought of the Day | The Rear Windscreen Wipers of the Mini Clubman”