The Supersaloon Class of 08′ | Intro

2008 wasn’t the best year.

In retrospect, it was pretty bloody awful.

At the tender age of 10, little Kerbsider remembers watching Lehman Brothers employees -well one supposes ex-Lehman Brothers employees – leaving their London offices with arms full with boxes of their possessions on the six ‘o’ clock news.

Did young Kerbsider, with his enviably full head of hair, really know what was happening? Not really.

Only later did I understand truly what had happened, and only then could I euphemistically declare with a certain level of adroitness, that the world in 2008 was indeed – in the toilet.

But who remembers the bad parts of 2008? Certainly not a car-obsessed 10 going on 11 year old. Cynically, Kerbside has side-stepped 2008’s bad rep – pooh enough has been said about that – and instead he focusses on 2008’s good bits: the state of the small executive supersaloon sector.

Long-winded introduction aside, we begin a new series here on Kerbside; one that celebrates 2008 as a particularly choice vintage for the small supersaloon.

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